For years an urban legend has been floating around the internet that Atari buried hundreds of E.T. game cartridges in a desert landfill. I never believed it until I saw the proof this weekend! 

If you're my age you grew up playing the Atari 2600. It's the video game system that started it all. It has some great games too like Pitfall!, Frogger and Space Invaders. It also had a lot of games that sucked, and E.T. was at the top of that list.

A documentary crew filming for XBOX got permission to dig up the landfill and they found hundreds of E.T. cartridges along with a few others. They suspect there are hundreds if not thousands more to be uncovered.

For video game geeks like me, this is like finding the Loch Ness Monster or Bigfoot.

Why did E.T. suck? Atari wanted the game created in just five weeks, so the developer didn't have enough time to make it the game it should have been. All it entailed was controlling E.T., going around finding pieces of a phone, avoiding the FBI from picking E.T. up and taking him to a lab, and occasionally giving some Reeses Pieces to Elliot.

Judge for yourself. Here's video of the game. Remember though, this was 1982 and today your coffee maker has more processing than the Atari did.





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