YESSA BUB! The animated Maine series "Temp Tales" by O'Chang Comics is hoping to break into the big time by being added to the Adult Swim lineup.

Adult Swim has evolved over the years you may recognize them from Cartoon Network's late-night line-up, or maybe you have their Roku app or listen to their podcast. They feature absurd, crude, and hilarious content all around and "Temp Tales" would be the perfect addition.

The first "Temp Tales" video was uploaded to YouTube 7 years ago in a less than 2 minute short inspired by a meat recall. (NSFW language)

This short, as well as most of the others, follow good ol' Maine boys drinkin' beer, smokin' weed, and havin' a wicked good time, dood! The creators, O'Chang Comics, noted on their website that "Temp Tales" is "made by Mainers for Mainers...We celebrate the working class lifestyle by bringing out the authentic side..."

If you're not this Maine stereotype you definitely know a guy.

You might remember their Storm Center promo, "Stahm Centah" where you may recognize some familiar voices.

O'Chang Comics is comprised of two Mainahs; Hanji, a graduate from the Maine College of Art who illustrates the series and Atom who writes and voices the series. They have grown over the years with over 23k Facebook likes and 16.5k subscribers on YouTube.

The plan of action to be added to the coveted Adult Swim line-up is to pitch the show at 8 pm this Thursday, March 5th during the Adult Swim Development Meeting Livestream. In order to get noticed, they're asking fans to join and create a profile to help advocate for them during the stream. You can do that here.

So you bettah friggin' sign-up bud or it'd be a wicked pissah to not see the show take off. BRAAP BRAAP!!!

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