So the 8 year old had a birthday party Sunday night at Happy Wheels.  That's right.  A roller skating party!  Jen was at home making gingerbread houses with the twins, so I brought her.  On the way, we remembered that we forgot pills for her lactose intolerance. No problem.  I dropped her, went to the Walgreens on Allen Avenue, picked up some Well at Walgreens goodies and went back.

So, I'm searching for the 8 year old in a sea of 8 year olds.  I could not find her.  That's because I wasn't looking - DOWN!  The poor kid could NOT stay on her roller skates.  She kept trying to walk in them.  So, I call her over and she is huffing and puffing and not having a very good time.  She asks if I can help.  Ohhhh man.  So, I get some skates on and head out.  Now - it's been about 30 years since I've put on roller skates, but back in the day...well, I was amazing.

I basically tell her to stop trying to walk in her skates and just push her feet from side to side.  She seems to do a little better and off she went.  Pizza went down perfectly, and she fell a whole lot less.  And the sweetest part....she was just so psyched I was there to help.  And I have to say without sounding all mushy - it was nice to be able to help.

Guess where she wants her 9th birthday party?  hehehehehe


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