
WATCH: Extremely Rare Albino Moose Caught On Video And It’s Stunning
WATCH: Extremely Rare Albino Moose Caught On Video And It’s Stunning
WATCH: Extremely Rare Albino Moose Caught On Video And It’s Stunning
Here in Maine, we've become comfortable with seeing moose in lakes, streams, our own backyards and on every other piece of clothing sold in the state. So a simple photo or video posted on social media of a moose on the side of the road wouldn't get much attention, unless of course it's a rare albino moose...
Air Mattress to Canada
Air Mattress to Canada
Air Mattress to Canada
A man from Maine intentionally crossed over the border into Canada by paddling on an air mattress but was promptly arrested when he made landfall. The man claimed he needed to get into Canada to protect his girlfriend from an abusive ex-boyfriend...
Wild Wedding Weekend
Wild Wedding Weekend
Wild Wedding Weekend
Dear diary, I’m finally at the age where a lot of my friends are doing the whole get-married-and-or-have-kids thing. And, I’ll admit, it’s a little weird. My best friend, Brittany, got married over the weekend. I went up to the Halifax area (Milford, Nova Scotia to be exact) for her wedding weekend extravaganza...