Did you like the play on words there? Maine Man because we're in Maine but some of you have a main man and a side piece but that's none of my business.  These suggestions are for the girlies married or dating a true, rugged Maine man.

Gift ideas for men on Valentine's Day

I can only recommend gift ideas for the girlies struggling to figure out what to get her man for Valentine's Day. Are men even supposed to expect a gift on February 14th? That's a question for a different day because these suggestions are for the girlies who like to gift their man.

What do men want for Valentine's Day?

1. Heated vest. Give a man a heated vest to do all his yard work in the winter time with and I bet he'll love you forever. Men in Maine are so simple, they truly get their happiness from cutting wood outside for camp, building things, or working on cars. It's a simple concept that I promise you will go a long way for them. Try checking out Cabella's in South Portland.

2. Ice fishing gear. Literally anything to do with ice fishing is a dream come true to the real Maine man's dream. You don't have to know what it is, just go to L.L. Bean in Freeport and go to the hunting section. You'll find a staff member wandering around just grab them for help.

3. Hunting camera. These things can be placed in a tree and your man can watch the area in the woods he's planning on sitting in live from his phone. It's like a Furbo for men. It entertains them for hours so you can watch your Tik Tok's in peace on the couch. Try Cabella's again in South Portland. Truly they have the answer to all things man.

READ MORE: Can you guess which profession in Maine was voted most likely to cheat on their significant other?

If none of these cut it for you, here's some more gift ideas for both men and women below, good luck love birds!

Cheap and Easy Valentine's Day Gifts

Here are inexpensive and fairly easy but thoughtful gifts you can buy or make for you significant other for the holiday of love, Valentine's Day.

Gallery Credit: Several TikTok's

Items to Avoid gifting on Valentine's Day

Do not be that partner who gets any of the items listed below, then again, do, that is if you don't want the relationship to last much longer.

Gallery Credit: Aly

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