5 Board Games in Our Basement We Never Play
We're spending a lot of time at home lately with social distancing and all, and to pass the time many of us are playing board games. Almost everyone has a handful of games tucked in a closet somewhere or sitting on a shelf in their basement, but how many of them to you actually play?
There's always someone who picks a game and everyone else groans not wanting to play it. Those games end up gathering dust, never seeing the light over the kitchen table. Our house is no different.
We've got an entire shelving unit full of games and while some get played, there are a several that never get the call.
Here's a list of five games on the shelves in our basement that we never, ever play. The pictures are actually taken in the basement too!
How many of these do you have and do you play them often? Let us know in the comments or on our Facebook page, and tell us what games you have that you don't play too.