A Cat On a Leash & Other Weird Stuff Mainers Did in the Blizzard Yesterday
We got absolutely hammered with snow yesterday and it looks like February isn't about to let us off easy. Sure, we could complain, mope, and curse every flake as it falls, or we could embrace the season and keep being weirdos. These are some of the more unique things Mainers did in the snow yesterday. How did you spend your day?
Ever Heard of Urban Skiing?
Cross country skiing isn't that weird, especially in Maine, but this skier cross country skied on the cobblestone of the Old Port to enjoy some treats at Standard Baking Co.
Maine Cat Loves Strolls in the Snow
I present this photo without comment or judgement. I've just never seen a cat. On a leash. In a blizzard.
Don't You Think It's a Little Cold for Frozen Treats?
Don't get me wrong, I love gelato as much as the next girl, but it's a summertime treat for me.
Mainer Serenading His Carrots
Rosemont Market and Bakery deliveries didn't stop in the snow yesterday. In fact, they have decided to take their new fresh produce musical to Broadway, maybe.
Maine Dog Wears Shoes, Isn't Thrilled About It
It's okay buddy! All the cool dogs are wearing booties these days!