A Look Back at Cans For a Cure 2014 [PHOTOS]
Wow. Just wow! This year's Cans For a Cure shattered all records and provided some incredible moments as you helped us in the fight against breast cancer in Maine.
Back in 2002, The Q Morning Show wanted to help raise breast cancer awareness in October, so had listeners donate their bras and hooked them together end to end to stretch across the Casco Bay Bridge. When it was over we had also received $700 in donations as well which we hadn't planned on, so we decided to start a fundraising and awareness campaign each October.
In 2003 it was Quarters For a Cure where Meredith, Jeff and Lori were on a giant see saw at the Maine Mall center court and stayed there until enough weight in quarters was placed on the other side to balance us.
In 2004 it was Climbing For a Cure where each of us took turns being suspended from a rock climbing wall and would be raised up the wall with each donation until we reached our goal.
In 2005 it was Cupcakes For a Cure, an actual bake sale where we baked and sold cupcakes to raise money for breast cancer.
2006 brought the very first Cans For a Cure, the world's largest bottle drive. It's an event that everyone can participate in and has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars to fight breast cancer.
Twelve years later we had our biggest event ever collecting 629,040 cans raising $31,452 for the Maine Cancer Foundation and the Cancer Community Center.
We couldn't do it without you, our listeners! THANK YOU! We just have the means to get the word out. You have the means to make our goal happen through your generosity.
Also a big thanks to you our generous sponsors. They were amazing this year too!
See you next year for Cans For a Cure 2015!