Adorable Maine Coon Kittens Make the Front Page of Reddit For Their First Vet Visit
There's internet famous, then there's on the front page of Reddit internet famous.
(Yes, we know that these cats are from Brunwsick, Australia, but they're still Maine Coon Cats, and they're still wicked cute!)
These completely adorable Maine Coon kittens went in to Brunswick Veterinary Services last week for their vaccines and vet checkup at just 9 weeks old, and the photos from their visit lit up the internet!
After the facebook post from Brunswick Veterinary Services picked up a few thousand likes and shares, the photos were quickly shared to the Subreddit r/Aww where they amassed more than 72,000 upvotes on the site, and landed on the front page.
In the digital age of social media, that's like winning the world series!
Congrats to these totally adorable Maine Coon kitties, and whoever their owners are or will be! They're crazy cute.
...and here's mine!
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