Are Maine Restaurant Workers Required to Wear a Cone of Shame?
This pandemic had brought about things I never imagined seeing or experiencing in a lifetime. Such as wearing a mask, waiting in line outside of the grocery store, following arrows inside the grocery store, seeing restaurants shift to outdoor dining, and watching kids and parents adjust to virtual learning. It's a crazy world we're living in.
That being said, in a way I'm a bit desensitized. Nothing really surprises me anymore. Recently I've been bombarded with tweets from my followers (I seem to become the token Mainer, a role I accept with pride) to the effect of, "Hey, is this for real? What the heck is your governor doing?"
And, while nothing surprises me anymore, I'm still skeptical of most of the things I read on the internet.
I was eventually led to the Maine Public website which touched on this back on the 14th. Updates had been made to already in place safety checklists for businesses including restaurants. One update being,
[F]ront-of-house staff in restaurants who choose to wear face shields must now wear them upside down so that they are attached at the collar instead of the forehead, so that their breath is directed up, not down.
So my totally-unofficial-fact-checking-judgement says this is partially true. If a server/host prefers wearing face shields as opposed to masks, they are asked to wear them upside-down thus giving them a similar appearance to the cone of shame. (For those unaware, the cones given to dogs and sometimes cats that are getting fixed or having other surgeries are referred to as the cone of shame. The phrase was made popular by a scene in Pixar's 'Up'.)
Personally, I haven't seen any restaurant workers wearing shields anyway. Have you seen this new rule in action? Let us know via the app!

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