Bear Visits Portland Looking For Food
I was talking online to my friend Jessica today, and she told me, " there was a bear sighting in my part of Portland." At first, I didn't believe it, but then I remembered that I wrote an article about animals just showing up in places you don't usually see them because there are no people around. No sooner than I go to respond, a notification from WGME CBS 13 about a Bear in Portland pops up. There is no doubt that we are having an 'I Am Legend' moment (reference), but we do need to keep in mind that they are now emboldened to look for meals elsewhere.
In a similar incident in California that involved a Bobcat, a wildlife rescue expert named Lila Travis told ABC News affiliate KGO 7, "We're not as overwhelming in the environment. Humans have taken a step back, which has allowed animals to come forward," says Travis. "There's a lot of urban wildlife that depends on garbage the food that we leave behind for their food, and with us suddenly gone, that food source has disappeared."
In either case, authorities in Portland are asking that we stay vigilant as we do not want to create an incident. If you come across a bear or any other animal that may be out of place, please call Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife at (207) 287-8000.