New England True Crime

It's without a doubt one of the most popular genres in general. Whether it's a podcast, a streaming series, a documentary, or an entire channel like Investigation Discovery, the popularity -- and possible obsession -- with true crime is undeniable.

Unfortunately, it comes at a price, and that price is the lives of real, human people that have endured very real incidents. Even more unfortunately, there are plenty true crime incidents that have happened locally in New England (which is why a podcast like Dark Downeast exists, which highlights New England incidents specifically.)

Photo by Lionello DelPiccolo on Unsplash / / Canva
Photo by Lionello DelPiccolo on Unsplash / / Canva

If you're a loyal viewer to true crime series and docs, or an avid listener of true crime podcasts, then you know a situation that happened at a parking lot in Somersworth, New Hampshire, had all the makings for a true crime incident.

Thankfully, instead, it revived a bit of faith in humanity that Granite Staters, Mainers, and New Englanders in general have in each other.

Google Maps / Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash / Photo by Stephan Seeber on Unsplash
Google Maps / Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash / Photo by Stephan Seeber on Unsplash

Borderline Beverage Somersworth

Borderline Beverage is a convenience store located on the border of Somersworth and Berwick, Maine (hence the name.) A place that, quite honestly, the public should feel a bit safe at after the situation about to be described.

Because in a post to the Berwick, Maine unofficial page on Facebook, a woman named Leo Wolf told a story of her vehicle dying in the parking lot. Thankfully, two men also dropping by Borderline had jumper cables, and worked on helping Leo's car get started again.

But that's not where the story ends. Because while this was going on, a third man pulled into the parking lot, asked if she was okay and had the situation explained to him. According to Leo,

So he goes in the store and come back out and my car still wasn’t started so he sat in his car and waited to make sure my car was alright and started and left right when it came on.


Google Maps
Google Maps

And it's the behavior, quite frankly, of all three men that earned the praise of many nearby locals. Because any of those three men could have just walked by without paying her any mind -- or worse, bringing it back to this exact scenario being told time and time again in true crime stories.

But instead, not only did two of those men work on getting her car started again, but the third man, who could've pulled out of the parking lot after his transaction inside was complete, stayed put until he saw that her car was started and she was in a safe situation.

Kudos to the two fellas for helping and the third man who made sure those two fellas didn't have any other motive than to help Leo. We hear how much of a dumpster fire the world is all the time, but situations like this deserve some praise as well.

States of Violence: Violent Crime Per 100,000 Ranking by State

The DeMayo Law Office recently combed through the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Crime Data Explorer to determine which state had the most violent crime over five years (2018 - 2022.) Here's the complete list, counting down to the most violent state in America.

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow

LOOK: Here are just some of the most magical places in Maine

You don't need to break the bank or risk life and limb to feel like you're in another world. Just head to Maine and explore these surprisingly magical spots. Tap or click the photo for more information.

Gallery Credit: Stephen Lenz

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