Oh No, the Scarborough Shaw’s With the Backward Doors is Closing!
What a bummer.
I love this old-school Shaw's. But it's set up wrong! That is not why it's closing.
Do you see it? You sure would if you went to enter. The doors are on the wrong side. The exit is on the left and the entrance is on the right. 99% of the rest of the world it's the other way around!
According to the Press Herald, this Shaw's, with the charming backward doors, will be closing around October 8. The pharmacy will close in late September. Shaw's closed the Westbrook Shaw's soon after Market Basket opened across the street. Ths Scarborough Shaw's has 87 employees that the company will try to relocate to other stores.
In a weird twist of fate, Shaw's is owned by the same company that owns Albertsons grocery stores. You don't know Albertsons, because there aren't any in Maine - but I grew up in Idaho and that's where you shopped. Albertsons.
The reason I know that Albertsons and Shaws are close relatives is because of grocery shopping in Idaho. When visiting my parents, I would stop in Albertsons to get groceries. That's when I saw something very familiar. It was the 'Signature' brand.
This is Shaw's Signature bread.
This is Albertsons Signature bread.
Anyway, that's my trip down memory lane. Let's get back to the issue at hand. Shaw's in Scarborough is closing. I'm bummed about this. It's because of the competition around them (Hannaford, Sam's Club, and Walmart) that they just aren't a profitable location. But I love how old school it is. I even loved getting stumped by their screwed-up doors.
No word on what will go in there, but I bet the doors will be on the right side.