Cape Elizabeth High School Walk Out #Never Again [VIDEO]
I went to the postponed Cape Elizabeth High School Walk Out. I loved it, except for one problem...
It was reallllly cold! There was one of those stiff Maine winds and it killed my phone! My iPhone did NOT appreciate the cold and kept dying. I was able to get some video as my intention to was Facebook Live the event. There were about 200 kids at this rally...
Then my phone died, I tucked it under my armpit until it came back to life just in time to get some of the dedications that students did for each of the 17 gunned down in Parkland Florida on February 14th...
I know that this walk out and the march coming up on the 24th are controversial...but I think this event, led by 18-year-old Christie Gillies was well done. Respectful, thoughtful and determined. There were speeches made by students and a passionate plea from the Maine Gun Safety Coalition's Executive Director, Nick Wilson.
Some have said that instead of 'getting out of class' kids should stay in school and learn. I say this IS learning. Learning how to get involved when you are passionate about a project or subject. Learning is knowing how the government works and influencing that process.
I believe these kids didn't organize a walk out because they wanted to get out of class and stand in the cold for 17 minutes. I believe they organized this walk out because they are tired of kids in schools being gunned down and having that become a norm. They believe this can end and should end...and they are determined to be the ones to end it.