If you are a fan of waterfalls, there's an amazing one in North Conway with an interesting name...'Diana's Baths'. 

My first question was, how did it get the name 'Diana's Baths'? According to Wikipedia:

These curious circular stone cavities on Lucy Brook originally were known as the Home of the Water Fairies; tradition says evil water sprites inhabited the ledges, tormenting the Sokokis Indians until a mountain god answered the Indians' prayers and swept the sprites away in a flood. But sometime before 1859 a Miss Hubbard of Boston, a guest at the old Mount Washington House in North Conway, rechristened them Diana's Baths, presumably to evoke images of the Roman nature goddess. The pools are also called Lucy's Baths.

Okay, this place looks really cool! This video was shot in April when the water is flowing the hardest!


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