Downtown Portland is Asking What You Think About Transportation
Downtown Portland, the non-profit organization that promotes downtown business, has launched a survey to get opinions about Portland's transportation situation. Let's face it, getting into and around downtown Portland is becoming more difficult every day.
Portland Downtown plans to share the results of this survey with the City of Portland in an effort to address current issues like parking and finding alternative methods of transportation to the peninsula like shuttle buses.
Don't go to Portland because it's just too daunting a trip? They want to hear from you too about why.
The survey hasn't stopped people from leaving comments on the Portland Downtown Facebook page about the situation in Portland, some thinking that Portland Downtown has the power to fix roads.
So when will roads be repaired so people can safely bike or drive through Portland?
The amount of near accidents that happen every day is astronomical. All due to trying to avoid the terrible roads or literally bouncing off the holes.
One man has a problem with jaywalkers.
Jaywalking is out of control on the peninsula. I am surprised more pedestrians aren't injured/killed."
And another wants Congress Street downtown to be shut down to vehicles.
Make this the "walking city" it advertises... Congress street shouldn't have the traffic it does... Only vehicles on congress should be... Public works, police, fire, metro, product delivery trucks... Private driven vehicles shouldn't be allowed on congress from High Street to Washington Ave...
There are plenty of opinions. Make yours known by taking the survey.