Elderly Couple Banned From Bangor Walmart
According to Fox Bangor, Doug and Mary Savage of Kenduskeag were shopping at Walmart in Bangor back in June when no more than 100 people could shop at a time.
It was the expectation of most at this time that trips to Walmart or other similar stores would be pretty quick; as in grabbing essentials and leaving. Some stores went so far as to rope of items deemed non-essential.
During this trip, the Savages developed film, shopped for clothes, and ordered a car battery.
In an effort to keep turnover in the store, a manager was encouraging customers to check out if they had full carts and eventually approached Doug and things got heated.
This resulted in the couple being issued no-trespass orders banning them from the store for a year.
Doug noted that both he and his wife are elderly, he has anxiety, and his wife is disabled.
These are certainly unprecedented times and emotions are running high for everyone. On the one hand, store employees are trying their best to keep things running smoothly. Trying to keep people in the store happy as well as the dozens outside waiting to get in happy. On the other hand, the couple wanted to take care of "normal" errands while shopping. Is developing film essential? No. But I also can't find it within myself to fault them for wanting to take care of it. Plus, getting a car battery seems pretty essential.
The stress of the pandemic coupled with Doug's self-described anxiety is a recipe for misunderstanding. And that seems to be exactly what happened. And it's unfortunate that it resulted in the couple being banned.
Thats what I think, let us know what you think, did the savages deserve the ban? Message us through the app!

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