Find Out Why This Mainer is Walking Across the Country
Liam Burnell hopes he can change the way people think about and treat each other. That's a big feat, so he's doing something really big to drive his point home.
Starting this week, Liam is walking across the entire United States, no driving included.
Liam is the author of a new book, Take Courage America!, in which he advocates a more sustainable lifestyle, less dependency on energy sources like fossil fuels, and a less suspicious environment here at home. He says that people in the cities are suspicious of people who live in rural areas, and vice versa, and he thinks that our politics reflect that mindset. He's lived in the midcoast of Maine for several years, and told us that he wants to spread his message of community and acceptance to try to change that mindset across the US.
He's planning on walking across the entire country, and hitting as many states as he can until his message sinks in, his book takes off, or until he hits Los Angeles, whichever comes first.
If he hits the California coast before his message goes viral, he says he'll just give up and come home to Maine. Even if he doesn't know what success might look like, he's still determined to give it a shot.
We wish him the best of luck, and offer a pro-tip... go south! It's gonna be snowing up here before you know it!