Money Cat Fried Chicken and Donuts is coming to Waterville this fall. Yes please!


Money Cat Fried Chicken and Donuts (Via
Money Cat Fried Chicken and Donuts (Via


Money Cat will be part of the new revitalized Waterville. Look for them this fall at 173 Maine Street.

According to The Portland Press Herald and Morning Sentinel:

Money Cat is the brainstorm of longtime friends and Johnson & Wales University classmates David Gilbert of Dallas, Texas, and Kevin Sandes of Portland. Gilbert, 40, developed the Thai chicken concept after traveling extensively and living in Asia. Sandes, 42, also traveled a lot and several years ago started Urban Sugar Donuts, a food truck in Portland, and later renamed it The Eighty 8 Donut Cafe. He also opened a shop at Sugarloaf.


Why is it named Money Cat? According to The Press Herald they picked the name reflect the eatery’s “Asian inspiration, abundance for Waterville and good fortune for all.


This sounds simply amazing! I cannot wait. The only place I've gone to in Waterville was the House of Pizza, which was really tasty. They are shooting to be open before the fall semester at Colby!


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