Gifford's Ice Cream based out of Skowehgan just scored big by being named the official ice cream of the New England Patriots.

It's not the first time they've been named the official ice cream of a major league sport. Back in 2016 they were named the official ice cream of the Boston Bruins.

What comes with being named the official ice cream?

For starters, Gifford's ice cream will be serve a Gillette Stadium just like it is a the TD Garden for the Bruins. It also means that Gifford's will be creating a special New England Patriots ice cream flavor.

The Bruins flavor is called Power Play Fudge which Gifford's describes on their website as "A crushed chocolate cookie advantage in a shift of golden vanilla ice cream full of fudge-filled chocolate pucks and crossed with a milk-fudge ribbon."

Gifford's has announced they'll be working on a flavor soon, so what should the Patriots ice cream be called?

Touchdown Treat? No? This is why I'm not in marketing?

Let us know what you think would be a good name in the comments below or on our Facebook page.



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