Good News Falmouth Pizza Lovers – Portland Pie Will Open Where Ricetta’s Was
Ricetta's closed last month and that was good news for Portland Pie Company.
Portland Pie has always wanted to have a location in Falmouth, but they knew with Ricetta's that the customer base was taken care of. Ricetta's unfortunately closed last month, and that's when Portland Pie thought that was a great location. This will be Portland Pie's ninth location.
According to Maine Biz, Portland Pie hopes to open the week of November 21. That's the week of Thanksgiving so they aren't sure if they will do a 'soft opening' (for friends and family) or if they will open for full-on business.
Portland Pie is happy to be in Falmouth following in the footsteps of Ricetta's who was a huge part of the community for years. I mean, if you had kids in Falmouth, there's no way you missed out on the 'kids eat free Mondays' they had. It's a great deal for Portland Pie too because, since Ricetta's made pizza, it's set up. Portland Pie's CEO and owner Jeff Perkins told Maine Biz,
We painted the walls and changed a few things and hung up our artwork, but it really was set up wonderfully. We were able to use almost everything they had there.
It's great too because Portland Pie kept about 75% of Ricetta's employees who wanted to keep their job and then brought on new staff. If you've never been, it's a big restaurant of about 6,000 square feet with seating for around 180 people. It has a commercial kitchen and a catering kitchen which is super helpful for Portland Pie.
Come on in Portland Pie! Falmouth welcomes you with open arms and hungry bellies!