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Here Are BeerAdvocate’s Top 20 Rated Maine Craft Beers

Maine Craft Beer

Maine’s craft beer industry continues to be an absolute monster.

As of this publishing, there are over 100 breweries in the state. In 2019, Maine had the second-highest brewery per capita number (9.6) in the country. Even a global pandemic couldn’t ravage an industry that certainly relies on tourism.

Now that the country continues post-pandemic life, more and more tourists have hit Maine this year. It’s just more great news for an industry whose economic impact is similar to a small principality.

Maine’s Best Breweries

With tourism back stronger than ever, I decided to take a look at travel site BeerAdvocate’s Maine page, where there is a list of the most popular beers. I wanted to get a sense of what the “outsiders” (and Mainers, of course) think are the best styles, breweries, and flavors.

I must say, it’s a good list. Of course, it’s no surprise that the list is peppered with the usual suspects like Allagash,Bissell Brothers, and Maine Beer. However, there are a few cameos from Foundation Brewing, Marshall Wharf, Oxbow, and Tributary.

It’s also not surprising to see a heavy variety of IPA’s on the list. The polarizing style has been on an upward trajectory for years, and doesn’t seem to be slowing any time soon.

Many other varieties can be found on the list, but nothing as prevalent as the hoppy pale ales.

Below, you will find the rankings. I used BeerAdvocate’s “User Rankings”, which is based on reviews.


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