If you drove down Marginal Way in Portland on Sunday morning, you might have seen the Q van parked at Planet Dog and the AT&T store on the corner of Marginal and Franklin.

No we weren't there to do a live broadcast. It's where the van stopped after blowing the two right tires.

Townsquare Media
Townsquare Media

I was coming back from our live broadcast at Lost Valley for the Mountain of Terror and took the Franklin Street off ramp of I-295. It was around 10 p.m. when I took the sharp curve at the bottom of the ramp and suddenly saw something in the road that was too late to avoid. Whatever it was it was long and metal and when I ran over it it punctured the two right tires on the van.

I quickly got to a place that was safe off the road which happened to be Planet Dog's parking lot and there it stopped. I called my boss who said leave it there for the night and we'll tow it in the morning. I called Michele and got a ride home.

The next morning, the general manager of Planet Dog, Gabby Capozzi sent us a Facebook message that went like this:

Gabby: Hello! I am the assistant manager at planet dog, just wanted to check in about your van. The poor tires! It is blocking our one way parking lot. Is there anything we can do to help? Thanks!

Lori Voornas: It is? Oh oh. Are you sure it’s Q97.9? I don’t know why it’s on the road....

Gabby the sent this picture.

Gabby Capozzi
Gabby Capozzi

Lori Voornas: Holy S---!!!!!!!

Gabby was nice about it even though I left it right in the way of everything that flows through that parking lot. We had it towed shortly after and all was well. We're just out one van until we get some new tires. The tow truck driver says it doesn't look like anything else is damaged but the tires, so there's the good news!

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