Houlton Announcers Fired Immediatley After Making Fun of Overweight Girls On Live Mic
These two should have known better and been better. They didn't know the microphones were live - and that doesn't matter one bit.
WHOU-FM is a radio station in Houlton, Maine. The Portland Press Herald reported that the owner is Fred Grant who hired Jim Carter, a retired teacher and coach at Caribou High School, and Steve Shaw. Shaw was an athletic director up north and also in the Maine Basketball Hall of Fame. They were hired as announcers for sporting events.
Carter and Shaw were watching a high school girls basketball game on a monitor, as they waited for their game in Caribou to start. That's when they made horrible comments about some of the girl's weight and laughed about it. The microphones were live and they didn't know it. It doesn't matter. What they were saying and how they were saying it was so hurtful. A 40-second video posted on Twitter enraged the community.
The owner of WHOU, Fred Grant, started seeing comments immediately on the station's Facebook page. The commentators were shocked at the behavior of these two men. They were both fired immediately after they finished the Caribou game. He also issued an apology on the station's Facebook page,
Most of those comments were happy that the owner Grant was fast in his decision to fire both announcers, although some think it's not enough. The Press Herald reached out to both announcers fired. Carter was remorseful, but at a loss of words to explain his behavior. He's hoping everyone hurt can move forward somehow. Shaw couldn't be reached.