I Need Help Identifying Another Animal That Crossed My Path in Gorham
Last week I saw a strange animal in my front yard caught on my Nest cam in the middle of the night that I couldn't identify. Thanks to your help, the overwhelming response was that it was an opossum. I had never seen one before and the video didn't really show it well, so the mystery was solved. But now I have another one.
I was driving on North Gorham Road in Gorham today and came to a stop, as did other drivers when I saw a strange animal slowly crossing the road. I wasn't able to get a picture of it until it was on the side of the road and I had to zoom in on it digitally to get a good look at it.
It kind of looked like a really large woodchuck, but it was light in color, sort of off-white. It was walking across the road super slow, but I wasn't able to tell if it was injured or not. It was definitely something I have never seen before.
Once it got to the other side, it slowly walked across someone's front yard and I took one more picture and drove away. This one is much clearer, but you can only see the animal from behind.
Whatever it was, it was in no hurry. I would have stopped and taken more pictures if I didn't have a line of traffic behind me waiting. Luckily everyone stopped to let the animal through.
So animal experts? Can you tell me what this animal is and do you have an idea why it was moving so slowly across the road?