I've lived in Maine all my life, so I've done my fair share of clearing snow off my car after a winter storm. It's not so bad when you get a dusting, but when you get the amount of snow we've gotten with these Nor'easters, it was quite a challenge for me. It wasn't until last week that I realized there is a much easier way.

Let me just say I know you're going to think I'm stupid for not thinking of this before. In fact, a lot of you probably have been clearing your cars off for years like this, but it just never occurred to me that there's a better way than using a short snow brush.

I ordered a telescoping snow brush. Why didn't I think of this before? It's called the Snow Joe and I'm actually excited to use this!

This is perfect because most of the time I'm parked next to a snowbank or up close to a house in the driveway. I always had a hard time squeezing in on the other side of the car to clear it off. Problem solved dummy!


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