If You Think You’re Smelling S*** In Lewiston, You’re Exactly Right
There's a scent in the air today in Lewiston and it's exactly what it smells like.
According to the Sun Journal, people around Lewiston were complaining of a strong odor wafting all across the city that smelled like s***. Like actual feces, not just a figure of speech. Turns out, that's exactly what it is.
Fertilizer was spread across several athletic fields at Lewiston High School and Robert V. Connors School Thursday. Combine that with a good wind and that smell made it's way to just about everyone's noses in the city.
The good news is that the smell should slowly dissipate and as of this afternoon had already begun to. Until then, you might want to keep your windows closed for the next few days if it becomes too much for you to handle. However, if the strength of the smell of the fertilizer is any indication of how well it works, you can expect some excellent grass and field conditions by next spring.