I'm not sure what's happening with drivers on Lake Auburn Avenue, but these two caught on Nest Cam are not paying attention.

My girlfriend's mother and sister have a Nest Cam that looks out over their porch onto the street. It recently captured those two drivers who had to have been distracted to cause these accidents. They happened just eight days apart, too.

Here's the first one that happened on September 9, 2024, at 2:35 pm. Time stamps are great, aren't they? Watch closely as a driver gets too close to my girlfriend's daughter's car and takes the driver-side mirror clean off.

She wasn't parked illegally and she was the proper distance from the curb, but now has no more mirror and the driver never stopped to accept the blame for the damage.

A week later on September 17, 2024, at 12:59 pm, a car zooms past the house at a high rate of speed. We can't see what caused the driver to veer to the right, take out a utility pole and a street sign, and tear up the small strip of grass on the other side of the sidewalk. The pole looks like it got chopped in half by the car and landed straight up supported by the wires.

Technically, neither of these incidents was a hit-and-run as defined by Maine law:

§2253. Accidents involving vehicle damage
1. Operator required to stop. The operator of a vehicle involved in an accident that results in damage to an attended vehicle shall immediately stop the vehicle at the scene of the accident or stop as close as possible and immediately return to the scene.

So since the first video involved damage to an unattended car and the second involved property damage, namely the utility pole and the street sign, there doesn't appear to be any mention of stopping for either of these situations.

Bonus video:

Crazy drivers aren't the only thing this camera has captured. Some kid stole a flag right off the porch like it was no big deal, though they did all run once he had it.

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