Maine Craigslist Lost and Found Post Involves Woman Who Probably Doesn’t Want to Be Found
One of my favorite places to look for interesting content is Craigslist.
Today I went to the "Lost and Found" section where low and behold I find a posting from presumably a man talking about an old female friend that he 'lost.'
"Lost an old friend that I've been trying to find unsuccessfully who goes by the name (censored).
About 23 yo white girl from Kennebunk. I've had some trouble getting through the flaggers, so I'll try here?"
That post may as well scream, "I was unsuccessful at my first attempt to serial kill, please point me in her direction so I can finish the job." Perhaps even "She was a friend in my head, but when I followed her to work, the judge said I had to stay 400 feet away, then she moved out of my neighborhood (insert sinister snicker)."
I imagine that the Craigslist flaggers know what's up as well, which is why they would not let him post the first one hundred times.
As for the young lady in question, she sounds like she doesn't want to be found, and I, for one, don't blame her.
Stay in hiding baby girl, change your name, your hair color do whatever you have to do.