Maine Meteorologist Calls Out These Specific Types of Winter Drivers
No doubt we've all dealt with idiot drivers like this (and probably occasionally been these idiot drivers, especially toward left lane campers) whether it's been during winter or summer.
Bumper riders. Tailgate drivers. Or, as one Mainer put it, "bumper-skitching."
But it's next level when it happens during winter because the danger level skyrockets. And NEWS CENTER Maine meteorologist Keith Carson basically thinks you're an idiot that should be fined for it.
Maine's Following Too Closely Law
According to Maine Statue Title 29-A, Chapter 19, Subchapter 1, §2066:
An operator of a vehicle may not follow another vehicle more closely than is reasonable and prudent, having due regard for the speed of the vehicles, the traffic and the condition of the way.
So, while there's not exactly a number value given to how many feet you should keep between you and the car in front of you while driving, the statute basically says to not be an idiot and get so close that your headlights are doing it like they do on the Discovery Channel with the car in front of you's taillights.
(Side Note: Do I get bonus points for working a Bloodhound Gang "Bad Touch" reference into this article?)
Keith Carson on Twitter
During what must have been his commute into the NEWS CENTER Maine studios in Portland, it can be assumed that someone was following Keith either on the Turnpike or 295 so closely that the driver behind him could taste the condensation dripping out of Keith's exhaust pipe.
Because Keith posted this fired up Tweet around 10a yesterday, while the storm was still clobbering most of Maine.
He went on to give context to the seemingly random Tweet, that he "was doing 35 on a snowy off-ramp," before reminding a commenter exactly what four-wheel drive on a vehicle doesn't do while driving in snow.
Other than that commenter and someone who tried blasting Keith for giving a bogus forecast about exactly how much snow would be dumped on us depending on where in Maine you are, other commenters backed Keith, with one actually saying the fine should be $10,000.
Are you Team Keith on this whole debate, or are you Team Commenter that thinks no vehicles without four-wheel drive should be allowed on the roads during snow/reduced speed restrictions?