Maine Ranked Worst in Country For Lyme Disease
We already knew this, but now it's been confirmed that Maine is horrible for Lyme disease. In fact, we are 10 times higher than the national rate of cases.
24/7 Wall Street looked at the research from the Centers for Disease Control and then ranked all the states for Lyme disease.
This is based on 2016 info and according to 24/7 Wall Street:
Maine's incidence of confirmed Lyme disease cases of 86.4 per 100,000 residents in 2016 was by far the highest of any state. It was also more than 10 times higher than the national incidence rate of 8.1 cases per 100,000 residents. As the state with the greatest share of rural residents, many people in Maine are likely to be close to grassy and wooded areas where disease-carrying blacklegged ticks tend to live.
We are consistent. A report out earlier this year for the Maine Legislature showed there were 1,769 confirmed Lyme disease cases in Maine in 2017.
The price you pay for living in such a gorgeous state...ugh!
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