Maine Senator Wants to End U.S. Government Flags ‘Made in China’
According to News Center Maine, Maine Sen. Susan Collins has stepped up with a bill requiring that government American flags be made in the U.S., with only American-made fabrics and materials.
The All American Flag Act would put an end to flags "Made in China," the news station reported.
It never occurred to me that our government flags aren't made here. Way to support our economy, U.S. government! It's just embarrassing that we even need this bill.
I am slapping my forehead in frustration!
Right now, for some rando reason, U.S. government flags are only required to be 50% American-made, according to News Center Maine. This also isn't the first rodeo for the bill, which is co-sponsored by Dem. Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio. Legislation that was similar passed the Senate but got stalled in the House of Representatives in both 2011 and 2014. Why?!
This time around the bill has support from companion legislation in the House by Rep. Sen. Cheri Bustos.
Let's hope third time's the charm.