If TruTV ever decides to bring back their show World's Dumbest Criminals (which hasn't even been officially canceled, there just hasn't been a new episode in over 8 years), this may be the perfect Season 17 premiere. Because this story truly doesn't even seem real. In fact, it seems like an attempt at a prank gone wrong. THAT'S how bad this is.

Airwaves U.S. Cellular in Belfast, Maine

Earlier this week, the most mind-boggling theft happened at the Airwaves U.S. Cellular store in Belfast. Now, truth be told, the start of the plan wasn't necessarily a bad one, and technically, the plan worked.

Luis Villasmil
Luis Villasmil

According to Bangor Daily News, a couple strolled into the store together on Wednesday afternoon and immediately split up, with the woman going to talk to a sales associate that BDS identified as Ned Lally, while the man went toward a display of demo phones. Apparently, while the woman was distracting Ned with the guise of disputing her cell phone bill, the man swiped a demo phone.

The couple left the store and it wasn't until later on (when a loud alarm started going off, according to BDS, that Ned noticed one of the demo phones was missing and another had been tampered with. So, the divide and conquer plan worked essentially -- the woman successfully distracted Ned and the man successfully swiped a phone. Genius, right?

Yes! Until you take into account how the woman distracted Ned.

Clay Banks
Clay Banks

Customer service agents take personal info

Have you ever actually gone into a cell phone store in an attempt to either dispute a bill, upgrade a plan, or upgrade a phone? What's literally the first thing a sales associate does? Looks up your account, which contains your identifying information, with your phone number. And what is probably the first unwritten rule of trying to steal something from someone? What do you literally try to make sure no one finds out if you're going to commit a crime? Who you are and any identifying information.

According to BDS, as of Thursday afternoon, the demo phone still hadn't been returned to the Airwaves U.S. Cellular yet. Police clearly have all of the couple's information and the whole incident remains under investigation by the Belfast Police Department.

If you made it through this whole article, congratulations! You just successfully passed "How Not to Be a Criminal 101" with an A+ grade!

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