Maine’s Ugliest Building is Going to Be Torn Down
Maine will soon need to find a new winner of the award for ugliest building in Maine as the 50-year-old building in Portland that currently holds the title is going to be torn down.
The University of Southern Maine's School of Law building is at the intersection of Brighton Avenue, Deering Avenue and Falmouth street, and area currently under reconstruction to convert it to a roundabout. That's not the only construction that will be happening at this location. According to WGME, The University of Maine has decided to tear down the law building and replace it with something more modern.
The building has been made famous not for the law school it houses, but because it made several lists as one of the ugliest buildings in the country. Architectural Digest named it one of the top 7 ugliest buildings and Business Insider declared it the ugliest building in Maine claiming it looks like a water tower. They aren't wrong.
According to the Portland Press Herald, The University of Maine Board of Trustees' Finance, Facilities and Technology Committee recommended at a May 5 meeting that the School of Law temporarily relocate to a building on Fore Street until a new School of Law building can be constructed in the place of the current outdated and badly in need or repair building. There's no timetable set for when the building will be torn down as approval is needed from the full board in a meeting on May 24.
This is good news that a new, modern building is on the way and the ugly, round, water tower looking building with cell towers poking out of its top will be gone. We have a new problem though. What building should take the crown as the new ugliest building in Maine? Let us know your thoughts in the comments here or on Facebook.
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