Turning the Q Morning Show Into a Cartoon Makes Them Way Funnier
Only from the wonderfully demented mind of Shea Murphy.
Shea is a long-time friend of the Q Morning Show and an extremely talented human. He's helped us out over the last 20 some odd years with all sorts of projects with his production company Fat Sheamus Productions. Remember this classic with Meredith? Turn the clocks back 12 years for this piece of brilliance...
He's also done videos for us at the Old Port Festival (remember that?) and countless things that we've bugged Shea to help us with. Well, Shea has now done something that is wonderful. It's called SHPUPPETS! You MUST join this Facebook group. I may be a little biased, but honestly - I was in tears watching this! He did this completely on his own without our knowledge and honestly without our consent. I'm kidding, he has our consent to do anything he wants.
We promised Shea that when we all watched together we would video our reaction so he could see. I'm glad we did because none of us knew what we are about to watch! This is genuine laughter at his interpretation of what we would look like if we actually acted out our little morning show.
You will notice that Jeff (the star of our first SHPUPPETS!) is LOLing a lot! I'm being 100% serious. For Jeff, that is a ROTFL. If you see Jeff's teeth when he laughs, it's the funniest thing that has ever happened ever.
Shea is as nice as he is brilliant with a drone and video camera. I look forward to more cartooning of our on-air antics.