If you plan on visiting Portland's Old Port this summer, there's going to be a lot that has changed. Longtime retail shops and restaurants as well as townie favorites have left the Old Port behind. Unfortunately, that list will now include MJ's Wine Bar, a swanky oasis of sorts that was located in the bottom level of the One City Center office building.

Shared on Facebook by Mark Ohlson, he announced the permanent closure of MJ's, a project that was near and dear to his heart since he opened it in 2013. In fact, Ohlson named the bar after his mother. MJ's was a favorite to many who worked in the area, for its lengthy list of wine offerings, speciality nights, impressive bathrooms and outdoor space with a breeze.

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But all is not lost for Ohlson. He'll continue to operate the uber-popular speakeasy known as Lincoln's and according to the Portland Press Herald, he plans to open another passion project sometime in the not-too-distant future. Ohlson teased that his new project will have something to do with dancing. With the closure of Pearl Nightclub as well as 51 Wharf in recent years, Portland's nightlife could use an injection and perhaps Ohlson is holding an ace up his sleeve.

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