The thought is it was from an airplane, but that doesn't quite make sense.

Because Covid and the economy weren't enough to worry about, now we have to worry that a 7-pound metal object might fall from the sky and hit you? Because that's almost what happened to poor Capitol Police officer Craig Donahue. According to the Press Herald, he was walking outside the State House building in Augusta around 12:30 pm when something fell landing just outside the entrance to the State House.

Maine Dept of Public Safety
Maine Dept of Public Safety

No one was hurt. Because had this hit someone, it would have hurt. At first, they thought it had to come from an airplane. Probably on an international flight pattern. But, if this DID come from an airplane, something this big would have been noticeable. Plus, it simply doesn't look like an airplane part. The Federal Aviation Administration is trying to find the source contacting flights that were over the area at the time. Plus, if this had fallen from an airplane when it hit, it would have done some damage. And there really isn't much damage to the granite walkway.

Google Maps
Google Maps

It's kinda crazy the things reported that fall from aircraft! There have been reports of doors, frozen poo, and human stowaways falling! The website Airport Watch keeps a list of 'incidents' dating back to 2015. This is a news report about a flight where an engine blew and parts of it fell all over the Denver area.



I'm curious what this could be. Does anybody know? I think it looks like a big giant metal Dot candy. Okay, maybe not.

Maine's 10 Busiest Commercial Airports

Maine's aviation connection is mostly considered two entities, the Portland Jetport and the Bangor International Airport.

These two facilities unquestionably handle the bulk of the commercial aviation in state. However, there are a number of smaller airports that also help ship people out of Maine.

Here is a look at the 10 busiest airports in Maine.

the information used comes from 2019 FAA statistics. This means these ridership numbers are from before the pandemic.

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