Paris Elementary School Evacuated After Fires Set in Bathrooms
Two fires set in two separate bathrooms at Paris Elementary School caused the evacuation of students and canceling of classes for the day.
According to the Sun Journal, the two fires were discovered in two girls bathrooms just before 9 a.m. by staff who pulled the fire alarm to evacuate the building. Students were transported by bus to Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School where they spent the rest of the day.
Both fires were quickly put out by the staff members and inspected when the State Fire Marshall and Paris Fire and Police departments responded, the newspaper stated, and the all clear was given around 1 p.m.
The soot generated by the fire will need to be cleaned, but other than that, there is no significant damage to the building, according to the Sun Journal, and the hope is that students will return to school on Wednesday. Parents will receive a notice from SAD 17 Superintendent Rick Colpitts about the incident.
No information has been given about the fires, but it seems obvious what happened here and sad that an incident like this resulted in disrupting the school day and creating a headache for staff, students and parents.