Portland City Council Voting To Close Streets For Outdoor Dining Monday
The Economic Committee has approved the idea for downtown businesses to utilize the street space in front of their locations for outdoor seating and vending. This plan has been found vital to keep Portland's Downtown economy growing and full of vigor, as we roll into the summer season. However, in an interview with News Center Maine, Paige Gould, the owner of Central Provisions on Wharf Street, says that the new plan would put her at a disadvantage because of the cobblestones effect on the ankles of her serving staff and the potential injuries to customers. I am hoping they can work that out as I love the food they have at that establishment.
This proposed plan goes to the city council on Monday the 18th for Final Approval. If this agreed upon, that could mean hundreds of jobs returning to the city as well as extensive commerce. Let us hope that if approved, people can be smart and observe the rules so that we can continue to have nice things.