During holidays in the spring, summer, and fall, you can almost guarantee that there will be a parade to celebrate the festive occasions. Streets get closed off and people come out in droves, ready to have a good time. But what about winter? There's plenty of reasons to celebrate, but weather makes it tricky to parade in the streets. Instead of the streets, Portland, Maine, plans to take their Christmas parade to the water in a magical Festival of Lights.

When is the Parade of Lights Taking Place?

The Portland Parade of Lights will take place on Saturday, December 17, starting at 4:30pm. Spectators are encouraged to find a nice spot along the Portland coastline or one of the piers to view a gallery of fantastic holiday lights strewn across boats as they slowly make their way through the harbor.

Facebook via Lukes Lobster Portland Pier
Facebook via Lukes Lobster Portland Pier

Where Else Can I Watch the Parade?

There's also plenty of opportunities to catch the holiday boat parade indoors at one of Portland's various waterfront restaurants and establishments. Many of the notable restaurants in Portland are ready and prepared to entertain guests who want to catch the boat parade this Saturday.

What Should I Expect the Parade to Look Like?

It's just what you'd expect it to be: a line of boats decked out with holiday lights in different designs and colors. The boats slowly progress through the harbor, and in years past, the finale includes a fireworks send off. Depending on where you're viewing the parade from, there's likely to be some Christmas tunes serving as a soundtrack.


10 Unique Maine Christmas Trees Worth a Trip to See in 2022

There are a lot of great Christmas trees that go up for the holidays across Maine. But here are some that truly stand out as classic Maine.

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