RIP Old Junky Studio Chair, Hello Beautiful New Chair
After months of lower back pain, strange dust clouds, and sticky duct tape residue, I finally get to retire this old junky studio stool.
I don't want to ignore the lengthy history this stool has endured. If this cracked plastic-leather seat could talk, what would it say about the butts it met? What stories could it tell about the DJs who came before me? What tales of struggle would the worn duct tape share?
This new chair marks a new era of studio comfort but also a new era of stories and adventures. This chair will bring my butt into new segments of Show Biz Buzz, more laughs with Lori Voornas, and even more heated arguments with Jeff about dogs.
I can't wait to adjust my seat to so I can reach the microphone without craning my neck.
I can't wait to rest my back on this seat back!
Finally, I can't wait to bring you more fun on The Q Morning Show. I know this chair will only help me be a better host for you.
Thank you Amazon Prime for bringing me this great new stool. You're a true American hero.