Rick Stilphen of Saco has been on kidney dialysis for 5 years and is need of a kidney transplant, so he's created a sign on the back of his car asking for a donation.

Rick is blood type B and has had a difficult time finding a match. He says in a recent post on his Facebook page:

I have blood type B (but, for a living donor an O can be accepted )
Unfortunately type B is the RAREST deceased donor blood type and I could be waiting another 5 - 7 years before a kidney shows up. MMC only performs an average of 1 type B kidney transplant per year.
It has been suggested that I reach out to everyone I know or don't know in case there is a person that has been thinking about giving the GIFT OF LIFE.

Since his info hit Facebook he's had several people contact him, but as he says 'It's a numbers game' so let's help spread the word and see if we can find Rick a kidney. Rick's story, what he needs and how to help are in his Facebook post below.


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