Senior Project Fashion Show at Freeport High School Friday
Seniors Carter Jedrey-Irvin and Kellsie Britton reveal what’s behind the mask of the students at Freeport High School this Friday!
Have you ever wondered what’s behind the mask? Who you really are? Freeport High School seniors Carter Jedrey-Irvin and Kellsie Britton showcase the wonderful array of personality of the students at FHS in this year’s Fashion Show. The third annual Fashion Show at FHS, will focus on who students are, specifically what we don’t see on a day to day basis.
Director Carter Jedrey-Irvin says,
Teens these days are under so much pressure to fit in and often don’t feel that they can. I want to give them a platform to show the world, them at their best!
Each model has a look which has been specifically tailored to their personality and style, so as to showcase the best version of who they are. Accompanying the models will be a variety of vocal, dance, and instrumental pieces, as well as appearances by two bands: The Wanderers and The Shoestrings.
Make plans on Friday, May 11th from 6:30pm to 7:30, with a reception in the lobby.
Admission is a suggested donation of $5. The reception will be an opportunity for the audience to meet the models and performers as well as get their picture taken with them!
Come on down to explore the wonderful, vast culture of Freeport High School, May 11th at 6:30 in the Freeport Performing Arts Center at Freeport High School!