The Bangor Police Department Re-enacts the Beatles ‘Abbey Road’
Thursday, September 26 marked the 50th anniversary of the release of The Beatles second to last album Abbey Road, and to celebrate, the Bangor Police Department re-enacted the iconic album cover.
Abbey Road was released on September 26, 1969, and was a huge success, as were most albums by The Beatles. You'd be hard pressed to find anyone who had heard, at least once, hits like "Come Together," "Here Comes the Sun," or "Something."
The album cover was unique in that it didn't show the title of the album or the band, because why bother? Everyone knew The Beatles.
It was a photograph of John, Paul, Ringo and George crossing Abbey Road in London. The four of them are framed in the crosswalk with Paul McCartney barefoot and out of step with the rest of the band members which led many people at the time the theorize he might be dead.
Flash forward to the 50-year anniversary, and the Bangor Police Department decided to re-enact the album cover on Hammond Street in downtown Bangor.
Four officers are crossing on a rainbow crosswalk with the officer in Paul's place barefoot and holding a donut rather than a cigarette. They even managed to find a vintage Volkswagen Beetle to put in the shot. It's just about perfect, except for Bangor PD's "Paul" is in step with the others.