The Maine Lobster Festival in Rockland Celebrates 75th Anniversary in August
Like so many annual festivals that happen in Maine each summer, it's been a while since the last Maine Lobster Festival in Rockland. Now that the Covid pandemic has eased up, the Lobster Festival is back just in time to celebrate its 75th anniversary.
According to Downeast Magazine, the very first Maine Lobster Festival was held in 1947 and was created in an effort to revive Midcoast Maine communities, but it wasn't held in Rockland.
The inaugural festival took place in the nearby towns of Camden and Rockport and offered all-you-can-eat lobster for just $1. With 75 years of inflation since then, that works out to about $30 today, which is still a pretty good deal!
Back in 1947, it was too good a deal and the turnout was huge. So much so that the festival didn't even cover its own costs with what it made. Luckily they gave it another go and eventually the festival moved to Rockland where it's been for the majority of its existence.
This year's Maine Lobster Festival takes place from August 3rd to August 7th and included the traditional parade, arts and crafts, live music, and one the most fun events to watch, The Great Crate Race where contestants have to get the best time racing across floating crates in the water without actually falling into it.
Admissions is absolutely free to the festival. You can get a complete list of events and information about the Maine Lobster Festival at, you guessed it, mainelobsterfestival.com.