With Pluto TV's addition of a The Price is Right channel dedicated entirely to showing reruns of Bob Barker hosting, I couldn't help but be reminded of the time that I went out to Los Angeles to see the show and even got to meet the man himself!

Every since I can remember, I've been a fan of The Price is Right. My mom told me that even at the age of 2 when the show debuted, I always watched it. I was such a fan of the show that I had a website in 1999 called "The Price is Right Update" where I recapped each day's show with screenshots taken from my VCR and sent through a video capture card in my computer. That was pretty high tech stuff then. I eventually added a message board for fans to discuss the show.

When I started doing The Q Morning Show in 2000, I handed the reigns of my site over to another Price fan named Marc Green who turned it into golden-road.net, the biggest Price is Right fan site out there.

I met Marc through my site and we both met up in Los Angeles in 1999 for my first and only visit to the Price is Right. Marc knew the producer of the show, Roger Dobkowitz, and we were able to get some pretty amazing access to the show, including a chance to meet Bob Barker, a moment I'll never forget.

The show we were at just so happened to be the same show that then unknown Aaron Paul of Breaking Bad was a contestant on. I saw him in the gift shop before the show and was shocked later to see him years later on the Tonight Show where they showed the clip of him and there I was right behind him in the audience!

That was over 20 years ago now, but I still have a folder containing everything that I had for my trip and a few things that I brought back.

Things I Saved From My Trip to 'The Price is Right' in 1999


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