This Abandoned Castle in New Hampshire Was Once an Enchanting Home
Kimball Castle was once the prized home of a wealthy railroad family, perched high on Lockes Hill in Gilford, Maine. Benjamin Ames Kimball began construction on the home in 1895, housing his stone masons in a boat anchored in Lake Winnipesaukee. Today, the magnificent home stands in ruins with trespassing explorers ignoring the signs and venturing inside for a peek at the once opulent home.
According to Kimball Castle Properties LLC, the castle and state remained in the family after Kimball's death in 1919. The last heir passed away in 1960 and per her request, the home was never to be used for commercial purposes.
She left the estate and several hundred thousand dollars to a charitable foundation with the stipulation that they create a nature preserve on the site. The preserve was never created and in 1981 the New Hampshire Attorney General's Office took control of the land and offered it to the Town of Gilford if they could save the Castle and create the preserve.
Voters decided not to commit money to restoring the castle. The town eventually convinced the Attorney General to remove the stipulation preventing commercial use of the property and subdivided the land, creating ski and hiking trails on a portion of the acreage.
The castle is surrounded by chainlink fences but that doesn't keep trespassers off the private property. Sadly, the walls have been claimed by vandals and the stunning architecture is falling into devastating disrepair.
We may never see Kimball Castle restored to its full glory and the vision of Benjamin Ames Kimball.
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