In the endless list of things you can't believe anyone would pay money to buy, let us direct your attention towards an ad on Maine's Craigslist that lists an '86 Camaro limousine for sale in Ogunquit for just $100. If that alone doesn't raise enough red flags for you, then the ad language itself should seal the deal. Here's what it says:

Folks here we have a fully custom 86 Camaro limousine. She fires right up every time. Fits 12 people, 8 if they're fat women. This thing is not for beginner drivers. If you breath on the gas she's up to 60 in 1.3 seconds. Posi rear end so she can lay down some nice stripes in the strip club parking lot. Engine swapped it to a 350 big block and a manual 8 speed tranny so you can shift gears and pass queers. There aren't many of these old 86's left on the road. When you drive this all the men will be trying to jump in that's why i installed door locks because this vehicle strictly only carries the women. Come take a test drive in the ole girl so you can burn gas and haul ass.


Wow. Hard to find much wrong with that stunning piece of informative literature. BUT, if you take a few seconds and do a Google search, you'll find the SAME EXACT '86 Camaro limousine, with the for sale sign in the drivers side door, in the same run-down neighborhood, listed in California. Could it be a sham? Might be. To be fair, that post is from 2012 so it could have migrated to Maine. Might this be real? Up to you to find out on your own time.

We've got a hunch that you won't be fitting any big girls or guys in this car while tearing up PT's parking lot because well, we don't think it exists. But if it did? Hello Old Orchard Beach in the summer!

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