Road tripping cross-country is meant to be something that you do at your leisure. Take your time, stop at random rest stops and restaurants and of course the tourist traps.

Every state has them, whether they're free or not we still feel the urge to check them out even if it's just an excuse to get out of the vehicle and stretch your legs. No road trip is complete without a stop at one.

The website just released their list of the 50 most boring tourist traps in the country, and I kind of agree with their choice for Maine.

Now before we get to it I just want to say it's not the worst tourist trap in the U.S.

For instance did you know that you can visit the future final resting place of actor Nicolas Cage in New Orleans? Or see the world's largest ball of paint in Indiana? You could check out a test tube that reportedly has Thomas Edison's last breath in it in Michigan, or a plumbing museum in Mass.

But when it comes to the most boring tourist trap in Maine, nailed it in my opinion.

Google Maps
Google Maps

Their pick is the Desert Of Maine in Freeport. Now let me be clear here, the Desert Of Maine is a great place to camp in the woods with 23 dog friendly camp sites surrounded by big trees and peace and quiet.

But as the website points out, "It’s not a real desert, just 40 acres of glacial silt exposed some 100 years ago by the poor farming practices of the Tuttle family." 

Google Maps
Google Maps

Now to the Desert Of Maine's credit, the location was recently purchased and has new owners, and they are working to improve the site with upgrades and changes. The Portland Press Herald even wrote up a whole article about it.

Time will tell! Maybe it'll soon be the best place to go.



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