Westbrook Police Say They’ll Be Stopping Speeders Pandemic or Not
Since Maine's stay at home order was put in place, you've probably noticed there's been a lot less cars on the road.
That has also made a lot of drivers think that police probably aren't out in force to stop them from speeding.
The Westbrook Police Department says think again.
Let's admit it. When you see a nice stretch of road without a single car in sight, it does make you feel like you can hit the gas more than you normally would. And with all of this social distancing, what police officer is going to pull you over. They'd have to get closer than 6 feet to you to give you a ticket, right?
Westbrook Police admit it. For a little while their traffic stops were down while they waited to get PPEs, the new buzzword during the pandemic. It stands for personal protective equipment like face masks and gloves. Well, now they have them. If you suddenly find yourself doing 70 down 302, don't be surprised to see blue lights flashing in your rear view followed by you being pulled over while an officer approaches your car wearing his newly distributed PPEs which in no way impeded their ability to write a ticket.
The Westbrook Police spread the news on Facebook with a little help from Bill Lumbergh.
What? You don't know who Bill Lumbergh is? Do yourself a favor and watch Office Space. You can thank me later.